
I am a Holistic Health Practitioner that supports you on your journey to health and vitality.

All sessions are done via distance, either by phone or Zoom.


Represents the idea of relationships:  balancing relationships between you and your environment (people, food, weather, work, etc...); balancing relationships between each body part, each body system and each cell; balancing relationships between the body, mind and spirit.

Our body/mind is always striving towards balance.  Even when it feels that we are off-kilter.  


To observe; to bear witness; to hold space.




Disclaimer:  The contents of this website and the services offered or NOT intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  Always seek advice from a licensed physician or other health care professional for answers to questions regarding current medical conditions, diagnosis or medications.  Use of information on this website and participation in any services provided by Debra Brandts, LMT, CBP, CMLDT are at  your sole discretion.